Modern microcontroller based hardware to position up to 4 servos after triggering an programable threshold. There are up to 4 servo connectors, three for flaps and one for the gear. You can also control a canopy for example. Programing the threshold, delay times, starting and ending positions of every servo output is done with the integrated buttons and the RC. There are 3 different modes of operation integrated to control the flaps and the gear. With a 10 step switch you can program 7 further functions. Instead of controlling servos the hardware is able to drive valves too.

description GEAR UP:
flaps OPEN - then GEAR UP - then flaps CLOSE

GEAR DOWN - Mode 1:
flaps OPEN - then GEAR DOWN - then flaps CLOSE

GEAR DOWN - Mode 2:
flaps OPEN - then GEAR DOWN - flaps left OPEN

GEAR DOWN - Mode 3:
flaps OPEN - then GEAR DOWN - 2 flaps CLOSE (1 flap OPEN)

GEAR DOWN - Mode 3 (special edition for valves):
flaps OPEN - then GEAR DOWN - then lock - VALVE OFF
  • supply voltage 4.5V - 6.5V (4 or 5 accu cells).
  • output - PWM follows input - PWM.
  • current consumption < 10mA.
  • PCB size: 40x30mm

  • Layout: TARGET3001! / Firmware: MPLAB IDE
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door sequencer